Updated: 3/22/2023
Yeah Buddy!! 💃💃💃💃 If you've been wanting Pinterest Rich Pins for your Kajabi blog then this is the video for you. I literally couldn't find much of anything about using Rich Pins with Kajabi sites but I wouldn't take no for an answer that it couldn't be done.
So, scroll down to What You'll Need, click on the links in different windows and follow along with Kajabi Tutorial to add Pinterest Rich Pins and have your Pinterest account stand out.
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As of 7/11/2020 I decided to get more intentional with my Pinterest marketing. I had validated my aprillereed.com domain in previous years, however, that was when my site was hosted on WordPress. In the video, I actually unclaim my old site domain so that I can claim my custom domain with Kajabi and so you can follow along.
However, if you choose to follow along via written content, I leave this step out for obvious reasons.
So why do this? Why add Pinterest Rich Pins for your Kajabi website?
Whenever Rich Pins are enabled, this allows your metadata to show on your Pins. It's pretty cool. It's important to note that the metadata is NOT the Pin description.
Basically, anything you Pin, you would probably add your Pin description about your pin. OK. But what about people visiting your blog and pinning? They are not going to add a description. Rich Pins makes sure that the information you want on your images goes with the Pin image when other people are pinning your images. Was that clear?!
Have friends who could use benefit from this video? Give it a tweet: https://ctt.ac/SIceU
What You'll Need
- A Kajabi website. If you sign up through my affiliate link you can enjoy getting Kajabi for 28 days free instead of going directly to their site and only getting 14-day trial. Once you have that go to https://app.kajabi.com/
- Pinterest account and then go to this site: https://www.pinterest.com/settings/claim
- Go to this site Pinterest Developers for your Kajabi Blog: https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/rich-pins/articles/
- Lastly go to this site Rich Pins Validator: https://developers.pinterest.com/tools/url-debugger/
There's 3 things you have to do...
- Claim your Kajabi domain
- Add Custom code (Don't worry it's real easy. Just watch the video if you get stuck)
- Validate your Kajabi domain
1. Claim your Kajabi domain
You have two options when claiming your Kajabi domain. If you have set up your custom domain name on Kajabi then this is the address you can use. However, if you have not set up your custom domain then you can use your subdomain.
If you're using your custom domain
To find your custom domain from Kajabi go to Settings and then Custom Domain. You'll be able to see the domain you here you have connected to Kajabi.
If you're using your subdomain
To find your subdomain from Kajabi go to Settings and then Site Details. You'll be able to see the subdomain you here you have created with Kajabi. Click on copy to grab the entire URL.
Let's head back to Pinterest
Once you're logged into your Pinterest account go to settings by clicking on your profile icon in the top right corner and selecting settings. You may also visit Pinterest.com/settings. From there click on Claim on the left-hand side.
Add your website URL in the form under Claim your website and click Claim. This action will provide you with 2 options. Of the two options select Add HTML tag.
At this point you should have been provided with a line of code. Select that code, copy and click Next.
Let's head back to Kajabi
If you're not already there, from Kajabi go to Settings and then Site Details. Once on the site details page scroll down to Page Scripts. Add the tag (code) you received from Pinterest in the Header Page Scripts and click SAVE. If you're nervous about this step just watch the video provided here. Once you've done that DON'T FORGET TO CLICK SAVE!
UPDATE 7/19/2020 - Add the Pinterest code to the very top of Page Scripts. If you have other codes (as I did) in the Header Page Scripts, make sure the Pinterest one is at the top. In the YouTube video I added the code to the bottom of my other codes and my site would NOT claim after 3 attempts. Once I moved the code to the very top, clicked save and re-claim my site on Pinterest, I received the email from Pinterest within 2 minutes saying my website has been successfully claimed. So if you've added it to the bottom and have trouble, try adding it to the top, save and try again. Here is a print screen. As you can see it's the very first code:
2. Add Custom code
Go to Pinterest Developers at https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/rich-pins/article-pins/ You'll be provided with the code below.
Copy the code but NOT the <head> and </head>. Only copy and paste the <meta property codes. I advise clicking on the link above and grabbing the code there but I have also provided the code below for easy access. The parts Orange Bold needs to be changed to your content. Watch the video for a better explanation.
I advise clicking on the link above and grabbing the code there, however here is the code with the Orange Bold so you'll know what to change:
<meta property="og:type" content="article" />
<meta property="og:title" content= "Exploring Kyoto's Sagano Bamboo Forest - CNN.com" />
<meta property="og:description" content="A constant inclusion on lists of "forests to see before you die," here's how to see the real thing." />
<meta property="og:url" content="http://www.cnn.com/2014/08/11/travel/sagano-bamboo-forest/" />
<meta property="og:site_name" content="CNN.com" />
<meta property="article:published_time" content="2014-08-12T00:01:56+00:00" />
<meta property="article:author" content="CNN Karla Cripps" />
Watch the YouTube video for explanation and visual of what to change the Orange Bold text to.
- title - Change to your Page title on Kajabi Site Details page
- description - Change to the Page description of your Kajabi Site Details page.
- url - Change to your site's URL.
- site_name - Change to the title of your Kajabi Site Details page. At the top. This is different than the Page title.
- author - Your name
You are going to head back to the Page Scripts on Kajabi and paste the codes underneath the previous code. So it should look like this using my example of my business:
Once you are done with this step click SAVE.
UPDATE 7/19/2020 - Add the Pinterest code to the very top of Page Scripts. If you have other codes (as I did) in the Header Page Scripts, make sure the Pinterest one is at the top. In the YouTube video I added the code to the bottom of my other codes and my site would NOT claim after 3 attempts. Once I moved the code to the very top, clicked save and re-claim my site on Pinterest, I received the email from Pinterest within 2 minutes saying my website has been successfully claimed. So if you've added it to the bottom and have trouble, try adding it to the top, save and try again. Here is a print screen. As you can see it's the very first code:
3. Validate your Kajabi domain
You only need to validate one link on your site to enable Rich Pins across your whole domain. Here are the step to validate and apply for your Rich Pins:
- Go to Rich Pins Validator: https://developers.pinterest.com/tools/url-debugger/
- Remember the custom domain we claimed on the Pinterest website? That's the domain we are going to enter as a URL. Enter your URL where it says 'Enter a valid URL'
- Then click on Validate.
- If you followed all step above correctly you should see "Congratulations! Your rich pins are approved and on Pinterest.
Yay you did it!!!
If you go back to your Pinterest site, Settings, and then Claim to check your claimed site you may see that it still says Stay Tuned! Ok well I guess stay tuned because it did say it will take about 24 hours. So there you have it.
Do you need Kajabi?
Cool beans. OK. That's it. By the way, if for some reason you don't have Kajabi yet (which I have no idea why you would be on this page if you didn't, but in case you don't or would like to refer a friend), I'd like to invite you to take advantage of getting Kajabi for free for 28 days by using my affiliate link below.
By using my link and not going to their site on your own, you can enjoy an additional 14 days free trial. So go to their site and get a 14-day trial or use my link and get 28 days free trial and a free challenge from Kajabi that will help you get your site up and running in 28 days. Sweet!
✨Grab your 28-day free trial of Kajabi and the 28-day challenge training here!
Watch the YouTube video version here: https://youtu.be/HWG6hHFJL9k
Happy Pinning! By the way, check out my other Kajabi tutorials:
👉🏾KAJABI TUTORIAL: How To Add Social Sharing Buttons
👉🏾KAJABI TUTORIAL: How to Connect Google Analytics To Kajabi
👉🏾KAJABI TUTORIAL: Create Redirect Links With Kajabi 😮
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