How to Structure Your Webinar Outline

In this blog post, I am going to share the outline that will help you map out what you will be saying to your audience and what you’re going to be teaching them. Your outline is vital to making sure you’re giving value and it will also help you ease into your offer and webinar funnel.
Russell Brunson's Perfect Webinar Design
The outline will help you map out what you will be saying to your audience and what you’re going to be teaching them. Your outline is vital to making sure you’re giving value and it will also help you ease into your offer and webinar funnel.
Now I know you heard me say this in another blog post that your webinar comprises of 3 main parts:
They are as follows...
Think of your webinar as a funnel...
Some people get worried as attendees drop off but when conditions are right, this is exactly what we want to happen. We want attendees to pre-qualify themselves so that those who see your offer are "likely" more serious about seeking help with their problem.
Plus think of it this way... webinars are pretty common, people know what's up... anyone who is left at the end WANTS to hear your you might be nervous about that transition, from teaching to selling, but just know the people who are left want to hear your offer. So give them whatcha got.
Your introduction is the first part of the funnel where we build rapport and create a case for why they should attend the webinar and stay until the end.
Your intro is divided into 3 parts...
- Build a case for your webinar
- Teach the pain
- Share your authority
1. Build a case for your webinar.
Make that big bold promise, your promise, the one thing that everyone is going to judge you on.
I think where most people get this wrong and where attendees feel like their time has just been wasted is whether or not they feel like you've delivered, or the host, not you, delivered on that ONE promise.
2. Teach the pain.
This is the part where you go into "who is this webinar is for" but not cheesy. You want to teach the pain and remind them how much their current situation sucks.
Then you want to share who you are.
Now listen! This is NOT where you go on about your family, fur babies, and whatnot. However, you share the part of your journey that pertains to the pain and solution you are going to teach about.
3. Everyone has an origin story.
Where you were and what started you on this journey to find the solution to the problem they have now. But don't tell this story here. I don't know how many webinars where the person gets into talking about their story and I get up and go use the bathroom or check CNN for the next Coronavirus new case count. Don't judge me, you know you roll your eyes too...
So do I not tell my story Aprille?
Yes, you tell your story... but either throughout the entire webinar or at the end during the Q&A once you have built authority through your amazing content and people care more about you now.
Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash
- Introduce your system.
- Debunk their internal false beliefs.
- Debunk their external false beliefs.
We want to create doubt, we want to overcome objections all while making sure we're staying true to what we promised in the intro section which is the result that they are after.
1. Introduce Your System/Method Framework
The first thing you will teach is your step-by-step system. Show them how your system works and demonstrate it's the solution they've been looking for. Don't just tell them your system is good, show them. Here you can tell a little bit of your origin story as it relates to your entire system.
2. Debunk Their Internal False Beliefs
Then teach how the system can work for them. They will most likely have false internal beliefs, so you want to combat them here.
3. Debunk Their External False Beliefs
So they believe in your system. They believe it will work for them, now you must combat any external beliefs about them being able to implement your solution like lack support or lack of a large email list or something that they feel is beyond their control.
Because I teach the 3rd section of the webinar I want to mention that I've written a comprehensive webinar workbook with actionable steps that will help you create and host your webinar in the next 30 days. CLICK HERE to access the entire workbook!
Your offer is the most important, which is why we start by creating it first. What main result do your attendees or target market want solved? They are hungry for the solution. Make sure the result that they want, your offer, and your webinar topic and the title is in total alignment. Which you should have had this done in a week.
Now let's break this offer down into your webinar.
- Call to Action
- Trial Closes
- Q&A
1. Call to Action
Create the stack of your offer. And the offer is a list of your products or if you are sending people to a discovery call, you will still need to stack your offer and present them in an even more irresistible way.
If you are selling a free call, it's a lot harder to sell something free than paid.
2. Trial Closes
Sprinkle trial closes in the offer section of your webinar and throughout your entire webinar. Trial closes are easy "yeses" you get your audience to commit too. It's been compared to the Pied Piper effect.
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash
Briefly let me tell you a story and explain trial closes.
When I was 21 I applied at a car dealership to work in the Finance department. I had a 4-year degree in accounting and somehow I got the job as a car salesperson! of the things that they taught us was trial closes.
When a potential buyer came to the lot we were to greet them and engage with them with 'Yes questions'. Here are some of the 'Yes questions' we would ask:
- Hello. Welcome. It's a lovely day today don't you think?
- Hello Sir. You have a really nice family, don't you?
- You do deserve the best admit it?
- Your wife looks awesome in this car, doesn't she?
- Looks like it's going to rain. Do you agree?
- Aww, I bet that's just the sweetest baby in the world, isn't he?
- Can you see how this will improve your life?
Yes questions lead the person to say yes. They are more likely to say yes than no. Training the potential customer mentally to say yes primes them to say yes to buying a car. Why? Because with a repetition of yeses there's more resistance to say no. To be clear, it's not that they can't or won't say no, it's just there's more resistance. Thus making it easier to close the sale.
You'll want to include trial closes aka 'Yes questions' in the section of your offer. You'll also want to include trial closes throughout your entire webinar.
3. Q&A
Be sure to add a Q&A at the end. Some people do 15 minutes, but I say to hold a Q&A for as long as people want to ask questions.
Now it's during your Q&A that you can present your origin story of why you what you do if you didn't share it throughout the entire webinar. But this time people actually give a hoot about you and plus with the lag in questions, telling a story will give you something to do during the dead air.
Now you know how to structure your webinar!
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash
Finally, a webinar is successful when people walk away feeling like they got something of value from you. Give them a result. It could be a tangible thing they could put into action right away, it could just be feeling inspired, and on top of the world, or gaining new clarity and mindset shift around a topic.
I hope you received extreme value from this outline.
Let me know what you think in the comments!
If you would like further assistance with getting your first or next webinar going I just introduced my Webinar Jumpstart Toolkit which includes my Webinar Jumpstart Workbook, Webinar Scripts, 100+ PowerPoint Slidedeck Templates, and a Webinar Launch Planner!