Ideal Customer Avatar: Define Your Dream Client

foundation phase

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We’ve all heard it before when you speak to everyone you speak to no one. Of course when you’re just starting out, it can be difficult identifying those groups of people who are going to be your best clients. However, when you can define your most perfect client who is willing to work with you, you can attract clients that want exactly what you have to offer and willing to pay you for it.

By defining who your PERFECT client is and how you help her means you understand her the best. You are clear about who she is and exactly what she needs.

Photo by Kobu Agency on Unsplash

I Started This Business To Help Others

Most new coaches feel like they’re losing out or they won’t be able to serve a specific group if they narrow their market. Just because you’re not marketing your message to “everybody” doesn’t mean that you’re limited to helping others.

For instance, there are ways you can help people who can’t afford you without leveraging all of your time.

You can create free content like:

-Blog posts, social medial posts, guest posting and free articles,

-Videos, audios, podcasting,

-Free workshops, presentations, webinars, teleseminars,

-Free group calls, free Facebook or LinkedIn groups.

Now you’re helping one to many.

Speak To Your Perfect Clients First

You’re ideal client or your “dream” client gets priority over who you speak to first. Again, you are not limiting yourself or excluding yourself from others. On the contrary, you’re always going to be able to get other clients.

However, in your elevator speech, in your introduction in Facebook groups, your copy on your website, etc., you want to be strategic with who you are speaking to.

You want to speak to your most PERFECT client to help you attract more of the clients who not only have the willingness to pay, but also the ability to pay.

Ability to Pay

Clients having the willingness to pay you is half the battle. There also must be an ability to pay.

Clients who typically earn around $60,000 – $75,000 have enough take-home pay to invest in coaching.

I understand. You feel that the people who need your services the most will not be able to afford it.

Crafting high-end programs that attract high-paying clients will allow you to finally leave your full-time job and have more time to live your freedom lifestyle. 

Schedule time on your calendar to help those who cannot afford your high-end signature packages/programs through free Facebook LIVE videos, your podcast, or creating and selling a low-ticket item.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There’s no need to nickle and dime yourself to the top if you don’t have too.

Position your business, your brand, and your services in a way that draws in the clients that can afford you.

General vs Specific

You want to be very specific in your messaging and your targeting. Remember that their is not shortage of coaches out there and being very specific will go in your favor.

The "Right Meds Analogy" for niching down:

Think about it like this, a patient’s head is aching, it’s hard for them to breathe, and it feels like it’s draining from their nasal sinuses.

The patient has two options:

  1. Take a general pain medicine
  2. Take a specific medicine that relieves sinus headaches.

Which one should the patient choose? Which one would you choose?

When it comes down to competition, the general pain med has to compete with all the other general pain meds out there.  This sinus headache pain med only has to compete with other sinus headache pain meds which is a narrower market.

Target Clients Who Struggle With What You Solve

You definitely want to target clients who have the exact problem you solve. This builds confidence within you.

When was the last time you felt nervous about offering your services to someone? Was part of your nervousness because you were unsure you could get them results?

Was there ever a time where you witnessed someone struggling with something you knew you could help them with. How did that make you feel? Even if you were still nervous about making an offer or even how too, I’m sure this spark some confidence in you. That person was potentially your perfect client.

Remember that this doesn’t mean you can’t help people who are not an exact match, but of course this will be of your choice.

Trying to tailor your message to help several types of people all in one content just sounds confusing. You are really attracting no one because there is no one who feels like you are talking to them. 

Mission Statement

Craft a POWERFUL mission statement at will attract your perfect clients from the start and repel those who aren’t. Use the statement has an elevator pitch that you can memorize and repeat again and again and again to have your ideal clients wanting to learn more about what you do.

One last thing, don’t worry about repelling certain people. All people are NOT your people! You definitely want to repel those who may not be a good fit.


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